Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chapters 9 and 10 Discussion Questions

1. What do you think of the idea that both good and evil are retrospective? Have you ever had an experience where something good in the present changed the character or meaning of something that seemed bad in the past--or vise versa?

2. What kinds of statements does George MacDonald say will be heard in the "actual language of the lost," and what does this tell us about the nature of Hell?

3. What do you think of Lewis' point on our ability to understand whether or not people will have an opportunity to surrender to God after death?

4. What do you think of Lewis' point that "Those who hate goodness are sometimes nearer than those that know nothing at all about it and think they have it already."?

5. What is the problem with the artist?

6. What's one word that describes the lady in chapter 10?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Chapters 7 and 8 Discussion Questions

1. What does the skeptical ghost get out of being so skeptical?

2. In light of the paragraph that begins, "There you go!" near the end of chapter 7, what does the skeptical ghost think is the main reason for all his disappointments (in his travels, his experiences in school, war, marriage)?--Where does he think the core of the problem lies?

3. In light of the last sentence the skeptical ghost says inchapter 7, what emotion do you think largely motivates his skepticism?

4. What is the Ghost's problem in chapter 8?

5. What do you think about the bright Spirit's comment on shame in chapter 8?--in the paragraph that begins, "An hour hence..."